
1. Information on organ and donor characterisation

Organisation: Instituto Português do Sangue e da Transplantação, IP
Website: www.ipst.pt

Contact: Mrs Maria do Rosário Caetano Pereira

E-mail E-mail: gccot@hgsa.min-saude.pt
Phone Phone: +351.93.520.87.87
(Duty number)
Phone Phone: +351.93.520.87.87
(Off-duty number - night/week-end)
Fax Fax: +351.22.332.55.41
Prefered method of contact: Phone

Postal address Postal address:
Address: Largo Prof. Abel Salazar
Postal code: 4099-001 PORTO
City: Oporto

2. Information on traceability of organs

Organisation: Instituto Português do Sangue e da Transplantação, IP
Website: www.ipst.pt

Contact: Ms Maria da Cruz Palma

E-mail E-mail: mcruz.palma@chlc.min-saude.pt
Phone Phone: +351.96.409.60.21
(Duty number)
Phone Phone: +351.96.409.60.21
(Off-duty number - night/week-end)
Fax Fax: +351.21.884.10.40
Prefered method of contact: Phone

Postal address Postal address:
Address: Rua José António Serrano
Postal code: 1150-199 Lisboa
City: Lisbon

3. Reporting of serious adverse events and reactions

Organisation: Instituto Português do Sangue e da Transplantação, IP
Website: www.ipst.pt

Contact: Mrs Ana França

E-mail E-mail: ana.franca@ipst.min-saude.pt
E-mail Functional e-mail: transplantacao@ipst.min-saude.pt
Phone Phone: +351.91.490.30.13
(Duty number)
Phone Phone: +351.91.490.30.13
(Off-duty number - night/week-end)
Fax Fax: +351.
Prefered method of contact: Phone

Postal address Postal address:
Address: Avenida Miguel Bombarda, 6
Postal code: 1000-208 Lisboa
City: Lisbon

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